Quantity or Quality? The dilemma of gaming

It been 7 years since GTA 5 was released and till now there's no official news regarding the next title in the Grand Theft Auto series. On the other side there have been around 5 Assassins creed games by Ubisoft. This arises a Question whether a excellent game made by taking a long time will be appreciated or those that are released frequently but are just good.

Honestly, it seems that both the sides have their own words capable enough to defend themselves. Now lets look at the major arguments that occasionally happen when this topic arises.

Frequency or Immersion?

The latest release by Rockstar is RDR2 which is a mind blowingly well made game and has set a new benchmark in the world of gaming. It has a lot of immersion, the amount of attention to detail is very pleasing and adds to the overall gameplay of the game. The story is very well made and the characters have a lot of depth in them. Some people do troll it by calling it horse riding simulator and its kinda true but the good things of this game oovershadow the bad by a big scale though.

Yearly releases like call of duty,Assassins creed,2k games are all made by big developers and are very appreciable but the amount of optimization and graphical improvements in successive games is negligible and hence they get accused of milking their series and it becomes borderline obsolete. Don't be offended if you love any of the above games as even we in Techbit love those but the truth is bitter.

Games: Art or CashCow

In the longer run both the category of Companies make a hefty amount of paper and more can be earned by microtransactions. Very few AAA games like  God of War do not implement microtransactions in them which is great in itself cause a lot of cash flows flows in  through the route of microtransactions. At the end of the day its a business and profit will be the top most priority but trying to have them in a sweet spot is appreciable but when things start going out of hand and pay to win is implementated then it destroys the whole purpose of a game.

Performance or graphics

Read dead redemption 2 on current consoles is locked at 30fps. 60fps is a must in games as it reduces motion blur and make the visuals "feel" more smoother. Don't get us wrong, we in no intent mean that 30 fps is unplayable or bad but honestly try it out yourself,play a game in 30fps and then in 60fps, you will actually feel the difference.

Yearly releases mostly have the issue with optimisation, the random frame rate drops in grassier areas is pathetic. Gta 4 was poorly optimised inspite of taking many years to develop, its one of the exceptions in the theory.

Visible graphical leaps

Assassins creed Rogue to Unity was a generational leap in terms of graphics and gameplay. It was a true next gen game. The fact is that such graphical improvements,engine improvements,animations et cetera are based on console upgrades and not on PC. Developers develop first for the consoles and then on the PC which limits them to make the game console oriented by the roots. Play Rogue on max settings and also play Unity on max settings on the PC. You will see how very different in terms of fidelity they are. PC is the best in terms of specs and upgrade ability, the games also looks better on the PC but one can't do anything about the fundamental concepts of the game made for the consoles. 


Some say they like frequent good games rather than 1 excellent game after ages and some say contrary to this which is obvious but the excellent game is necessary to keep a reality check and we as consumers can critcize(constructively) the other companies to persuade them to approach the level of excellence.

What is your take on this?

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